Written by JCD
Monday, 04 February 2013 04:07 |
Several students were inducted to our “Health Hero Wall of Fame” on January 30. Since November, they’ve risen to the challenge of eating more fruits and veggies, staying physically active and getting enough sleep. These students spent the last eight weeks working on an entry health challenge as part of the Health Heroes Program, a partnership program between Community Alliance for Research and Engagement (CARE.yale.edu) and New Haven Public Schools (NHPS). Students pledged to eat three fruits or veggies, exercise for an hour, and perform an act of kindness and getting at least eight hours of sleep each day. All parents were sent a check list, so that they could verify each day that their children met the challenge.
HH Awards
We are very proud of all of them and hope you will encourage your child to join our "HH Wall of Fame" by taking part in our next HH Challenge coming in March!