Dual Language Immersion is at the foundation of our educational philosophy. Dual Language is a bilingual instruction model designed to help students from diverse linguistic backgrounds become academically proficient in two languages.
All students at John C. Daniels learn in English and Spanish beginning in Kindergarten. All students receive 50% English instruction and 50% Spanish instruction from Kindergarten on.
Dual language instruction benefits both English and Spanish dominant children cognitively, socially and academically to such extent that John Daniels students tend to outperform their district peers on the CMT. John Daniels’ Dual Language program is nationally recognized by the Center for Applied Linguistics.
Scholarly research consistently shows that students learn more when learning in two languages and that higher degrees of bilingualism lead to increased cognitive skills. That means that, no matter which language your child speaks at home, learning in English and Spanish has great potential to increase his or her capacity to think and learn in all subject areas. You can visit the Center for Applied Linguistics’ website to read more about Dual Language Instruction, also known as Two-Way Immersion. Also, please contact the school to learn more about what Dual Language would mean for your child.
Teachers at John C. Daniels School of International Communication offer support to all learners. Teachers utilize specialized teaching methods and offer tutors, before and after school programs and homework help, and individualized assistance. Our goal is that all students succeed.
Dual Langauge Summarized:
Dual Language 101
At least once a year, the school offers an in-depth workshop about Dual Language to answer the question: What can I expect from a dual language program and what must Dual Language expect from me (the student and his/her family)?
The handouts from that workshop are available below.
If you have any questions about Daniels School's Dual Language model of instruction, please feel free to contact us.
Dual Language in the News
The articles below are about the successes of dual language programs, in various parts of the country. Many include information that parents of JCD Dual Language students will find helpful.
Dual language lessons growing in popularity (californiawatch.org, 3/22/12)
Parents embrace dual-immersion instruction (dailynews.com, 3/5/12)
Dual language schools growing in Dallas-area schools, across state (dallasnews.com, 2/25/12)
The Latino gap: Dual language programs offer hope (kpbs.org, 2/2/12)
Momentum builds for dual language learning (edweek.org, 3/23/12)