Welcome to the second Marking Period!
Report card conferences will be held Wednesday, November 14, 2012 from 3:30-7pm. Please come in to discuss your child's progress thus far and to pick up their report card for the first marking period.
November 13- 6th graders will be taking a district math assessment on all material covered from the beginning of the year until now. Please make sure students have all notes, tests, and homework to review at home each night. Students will be reviewing in class as well, but need additional study time in order to do well on this assessment!
REFLEX math- This is an online intervention program that focuses on basic math facts. Students must know all facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) AUTOMATICALLY! This program is used IN SCHOOL, but can also be used AT HOME. Please encourage your child to go on the website a few nights per week if possible. The website is: www.relfexmath.com
Students have been given a laminated card with their username (heather.doraz) and personal password included. Please go to the website and then click "LAUNCH" to begin.
Upcoming topics by content area for the 2nd marking period:
Social Studies- Where in the World? Students will focus on geography topics and study a particular country in the world.
Math- Multiplying and dividing fractions, ratios & rates, proportions, percents/fractions/decimals, converting measurement units
Language Arts- Non-fiction reading and expository writing
Science- Continuation of environment studies, which will lead to the study of weather & water.
Contact information:
Miss Doraz:
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Mr. Clark:
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