Typing Program
- Google Spanish
- Factmonster
- Encyclopedia Brittanica
- Wikipedia
- National Geographic Kids
- Word Reference
Educational Games
- Starfall
- Between the Lions Games
- FunBrain
- Fun School
- PBS Kids
- Zoom School
- Reading is Fundamental: Leading to Reading
- Free Rice - help stop world hunger by answering trivia questions
- Achieve 3000 (You must have a username and password from school)
Spanish Language
Student-Friendly Resources
- 123teachme.com (Spanish learning games)
- Storyplace.org (Interactive stories online)
- Cvc.cervantes.es/ensenanza/mimundo (Amazing interactive theme-based vocabulary lessons)
- Spanishspanish.com (Vocabulary and flashcards)
- studyspanish.com/pronunciation;
- studyspanish.com/vocab;
- studyspanish.com/tutorial.htm (Lists with audio pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar)
- Rif.org (Spanish language activities; primary level)
- Purposegames.com (List of Spanish learning sites)
- Cyberkidzjuegos.com (Spanish activities at various age levels for various subject areas)
- Literacycenter.netp (Practice for beginning reading skills)
- Osbornnet.org/programs/DualLangDescripSpan.htm (High-frequency word lists on various levels)
- National Geographic
Parent-Friendly Resources
- Wordreference.com (Online dictionary)
- Translate.google.com
- Spanicity.com/spanish-vocabulary.htm; Spanicity.com/spanish-alphabet/index.php (Alphabet and vocabulary with audio pronunciations; parent-friendly)
- Thespanishverbmachine.com (For parents who want some help with Spanish grammar)