By Patricia McGovern on Monday, 30 August 2021
Category: Latest News

Arrival & Dismissal Procedures


For arrival, if you drop your child off, please do not ask questions of our staff. We need to ensure students enter the building in a timely and efficient manner. We cannot field individual questions at the entrance.

For dismissal, your child's safety is our priority. Please send a note with your child letting the teacher know how your child gets home. Please tell your child to give the note to their teacher.

Effective immediately, we will be dismissing students by grade levels from three different doors. We need to reduce the congestion outside as well as increase the time in which our students exit the building. 

After 2:00, phone calls to the main office must be avoided. As stated during orientation, changes in dismissal after 2:00 cannot be honored. Ms. Angela assists with our dismissal and accordingly is unable to take an influx of calls at the end of the school day.