Week of 9/24/18


First grade math:


We have finished chapter 1- numbers to 10


Chapter 2-Use a number bond (part, part, whole) to add and subtract numbersImage result for number bond

Reading: Continue to practice the weekly sight words in both English and Spanish. This will help your child become a better reader and writer. We are working daily on our early reading strategies.


Some First Grade Reminders:




  • Breakfast begins at 8:20. If your child is going to eat breakfast in school, please have him/her arrive at 8:20 to ensure there is enough time to eat. Instruction begins promptly at 8:45.
  • Your child will be marked tardy if he/she arrives after 8:35.
  • Please label all clothing. We have several sweatshirts that are unclaimed.
  • All sweatshirts and sweaters must be blue or your child will be asked to remove it. If a student is not wearing a sweatshirt properly, they will be asked to hang it up.
  • Mr. C will be placing all PE uniform orders soon. If you would like to place an order, send in the order form and money tomorrow.

The First Grade Team

September 28th
Shoe Tying Lesson!

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