online screening


calendar sm4

1st marking period

Greetings First Graders and Parents,

              Thank you to all the families that have sent in tissues and/or cleaning wipes. They will definitely be put to good use.

Monday is early dismissal, Tuesday is back to school night and there is no school Thursday.


Below is an overview of what we will be covering in the 1st grade English classroom.

Reading:  (Room 157 English literacy group)

Writing: (Room 157 English literacy group)

  • Students will review how to take care of book, choose books and practice reading strategies to help them became a better reader.
  • Learn 3 ways to read a book.
  • Practice retelling a story.
  • Learn how writers get ideas.
  • Brainstorm/select a small moment to write about.
  • Discuss and practice the writing process.
  • Students are always reminded to start with a capital, leave a finger space and use punctuation.  

Health-English for both homerooms

Social Studies-English for both homerooms  (Social studies is in Spanish Q1)

  • What are Germs?
  •  Healthy habits-hand washing and covering your sneeze.
  • Predicting people's feelings, showing courtesy to others, friendship and listening.
  • Magnet theme: The World in my Backyard
  • We will discuss where our families are from.
  • Students will become familiar with the history of the Statue of liberty and immigration.

Math (English and Spanish)

  • The first few chapters are about numbers up to ten and number bonds.
  •  We will keep you informed about what we are working on by posting to the first grade blog.

1st grade reminders:

  • Always look at the John C. Daniels website and first grade blog for upcoming events and information.  (I post my spelling words on the blog every week)
  • Attendance is taken at 8:45 and this is when our instruction begins. Please be sure that your child is here by 8:30 to give them enough time to unpack and eat breakfast.
  • You may want to send your child dressed in layers. A navy blue sweatshirt/sweater is our school policy. If it is any other color, your child will be asked to remove it.
  •  If you are planning to have a birthday celebration in school, the item must be sent into school and the celebration will take place immediately following lunch 12:00-12:15. Please let us know in advance and be advised that we do have allergies in our class.
  • Please send in a dated note if your child will be going home a different way than usual. If you send an email during the day, please be sure the teacher responds back to you acknowledging the change.  If they do not email you back, call the office.
  • I would also like to ask you to practice shoe tying at home if your child does not know how to tie his/her shoes.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please contact me.

  Mrs. Canalori

Spelling- week of 9/18

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