online screening


calendar sm4


Parent Conferences

Parent/Teacher conferences will run this Wednesday, January 30 from 1:30-5:30.  It will be a half day for students (12:50 dismissal).  Please allow teachers time to get situated in their classrooms and prepare for the 1:30 start time.  Please go to your child's HOMEROOM teacher to pick up their report card and conference with that teacher (10 min or less).  Thank you so much and I look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow night :) 

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1572 Hits

Parent Conferences

Parent/Teacher conferences will run this Wednesday, January 30 from 1:30-5:30.  It will be a half day for students (12:50 dismissal).  Please allow teachers time to get situated in their classrooms and prepare for the 1:30 start time.  Please go to your child's HOMEROOM teacher to pick up their report card and conference with that teacher (10 min or less).  Thank you so much and I look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow night :) 

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1469 Hits


Please make sure your child is studying basic math facts every night if they are not yet fluent with multiplication and division!  All students should have both multiplication and division flashcards.  These can be purchased at the dollar store or downloaded for free online as well.

Fluency Tests are given 3 times every year.  The students must reach "goal" by the end of the year when they take the SPRING fluency test.  Having them practice and prepare after doing their homework every night for 10 minutes will greatly help in improving their math skills and making them AUTOMATIC with these facts!  The main content areas they test in 6th grade are:  Making equivalent fractions, decimals and percents, also, subtracting decimals, and also unit rates (knowing if you are giving a rate, how much it would be for ONE going 480 miles in 10 hours, how many miles did you go PER HOUR).   We want to see each children make progress and growth from the Fall to the Spring test.  They can do it!!!!!!!  

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2097 Hits


Please make sure your child is studying basic math facts every night if they are not yet fluent with multiplication and division!  All students should have both multiplication and division flashcards.  These can be purchased at the dollar store or downloaded for free online as well.

Fluency Tests are given 3 times every year.  The students must reach "goal" by the end of the year when they take the SPRING fluency test.  Having them practice and prepare after doing their homework every night for 10 minutes will greatly help in improving their math skills and making them AUTOMATIC with these facts!  The main content areas they test in 5th grade are:  simplifying fractions, making equivalent fractions, and changing mixed numbers to improper fractions and improper fractions to mixed numbers.  We want to see each children make progress and growth from the Fall to the Spring test.  They can do it!!!!!!!  


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1575 Hits